Global Attack on Freedom of Religion
Day of Infamy Anniversary Moves to December 5 [Opinion Piece]
When America entered World War II, the precipitous event was presented as a “Day of Infamy,” the bombing of Pearl Harbor. However, Pearl Harbor was not an insider attack on the U.S. Constitution. It did not try to overthrow America, it only tried to intimidate it. The Japanese did not try to violate directly the most treasured and enshrined freedom for which Americans have always fought, the First Amendment.
Since Pearl Harbor backfired so terribly, think of what will happen when Americans realize their own Congress was used by a foreign political power to undermine the First Amendment. That is exactly what happened under the leadership of the Southern Baptist and Christian Zionist, Speaker of the House Mike Johnson. He pushed through the U.S. House of Representatives a resolution “H.Res.894” and turned “anti-Zionism” into “hate speech” on December 5, 2023 one year ago:
“Resolved, That the House of Representatives-
…(3) calls on elected officials and world leaders to condemn and fight all forms of domestic and global antisemitism;
(4) clearly and firmly states that anti-Zionism is antisemitism;” [Dec. 5, 2023]
And, just like that, the lobbyists for Benjamin Netanyahu tried to silence informed Christian Americans from speaking against Jewish fundamentalist wars which help settlers steal lands from Christian Palestinians and Muslims. Just like that, the American Empire was manipulated into a resolution that allied itself with fundamentalist sects operating for the political State of Israel. Full of bigotry, Congress assumed Americans should be as anti-Arab and anti-Muslim as the current ministers in the Likud Party coalition of Israel [demonstrated below].
However, Congress not only violated the freedom of speech and religion of large segments of Judaism across the world which are highly critical of Zionism, but the Southern Baptist Speaker of the House Mike Johnson launched a frontal assault on Catholic doctrine a month and a half after becoming Speaker. More embarrassing and horrifying were the ignorant and complicit American Catholic politicians and pundits who supported it and did not realize they were voting against their own Catholic doctrines!
As recently expressed by Pope Benedict in 2018, Catholic doctrine is clear that “religious Zionism” is contrary to Christianity. Also contrary to Orthodox Christian and Catholic Christian doctrine are forms of “Christian Zionism” like in the Scofield commentaries and notes which support false prophecy that a Jewish return to Palestine will bring about a literal thousand year reign of Jesus Christ on earth with the conversion of the Jews. Such millenarian-styled prophecy has been repeatedly rejected even in the recent Catechism of the Catholic Church #676.
The Catholic and Orthodox Churches understand the “thousand year reign” of Christ on earth (mentioned in Revelation 20) as liturgical and eucharistic until the Second Coming which ends time as we know it (after a great apostasy). Catholics understand the Church to be the reconstituted Israel [see the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, Lumen Gentium #9.3]. They view as a false prophecy that God wants the Jews to retake Palestine to re-establish an earthly Third Temple as “religious Zionists” teach and hope and as Christian Zionists urge. Christians are supposed to believe Jesus is the true Temple.
The Catholic Church didn’t even officially recognize the political State of Israel until 1993 when Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin pledged to work towards a Two State solution with the Oslo Accords [which Netanyahu and religious Zionists are trying to overthrow]. In 1995, Rabin was assassinated by a Jewish supremacist and religious Zionist settler who wanted to prevent the Two State solution. The same man who influenced the assassin (the Jewish supremacist Rabbi Meir Kahane influenced him) has disciples (Kahanists…“religious Zionists”) now within Netanyahu’s cabinet and governing coalition.
In fact, according to the Washington Post, just before Rabin’s assassination, as a teenager, Itamar Ben Gvir, stole the hood ornament off Rabin’s car and promised to get to him just as they got to his car. Is it really any wonder Itamar Ben Gvir campaigned for the assassin’s release from prison? This same Itamar Ben Gvir’s Kahanist-inspired Zionism, now Israeli Minister of National Security, has now been enshrined by Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson’s House Resolution 894. So, accept Ben Gvir’s “religious Zionism” and convictions on charges of incitement to racism against Arabs [as reported by the Washington Post] or you are a horrible and hateful American. Sounds a little contradictory.
Christians should condemn real “antisemitism” but not “anti-Zionism”
Of course, Christians should condemn “antisemitism” as classically understood: hating every Jew and blaming modern Jews for the sin of the ancient Sanhedrin which worked to get the Romans to crucify Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah. Catholics are forbidden to be “antisemites” according to the classical definition and could support Mike Johnson if it had been left at that. However, before December 5, 2023, never had Americans understood “antisemitism” to include “anti-Zionism.”
Zionism since the late 1800’s was a secular political movement which gradually enticed the British Empire to sponsor the return of European Jews to the Palestinian territories; territories which their religious forefathers had been driven from 2k years earlier. Clearly the definition of “antisemitism” has changed since the Nazis and their atrocities. Some critics of today’s Zionism rightly observe that an “antisemite” used to be someone who hated Jews, but now an “antisemite” is someone Zionists choose to hate for opposing their political and religious policies.
No Christian is obligated to believe that modern European Jews have a right to seize land that hasn’t been in their families for two thousand years simply because they identify as Jews. Jewish religious beliefs that Jesus is NOT the Messiah does not give them the right to return to the Land their ancestors lost in order for them to find someone else to be their Messiah. Sorry, but other people and their families legally have lived there now for centuries.
Since the Advent of Jesus, having some possible ancient heritage in Palestine 2,000 years ago gives someone no more right to take that Land than my Greek heritage gives me the right to steal land from modern people in Athens or Crete. In fact, ancient Greek heritage is connected with the Philistines 3,000 years ago from whom Israelites took their land to make ancient Israel. Tongue-in-cheek, maybe Greeks have more right to that Land than the current colonizers? As I recall, Palestine is derived from the term Philistine.
Humor aside, anti-Zionism is not antisemitism unless common sense is also now antisemitism. Will Congress soon make further resolutions against common sense? Anti-Zionism is simply a form of religious freedom of belief and sanity based on the past two-thousand years of history as well as being a justified political position. History is also God’s witness. I know Zionists claim that God promised Moses and Israelites the Land as Abraham’s descendants (which I also believe), but they selectively forget to acknowledge that there were conditions for keeping the Land which were clearly spelled-out in the Torah which Moses delivered.
If God wanted that Land solely for blood descendants of Jacob-Israel, then why couldn’t they keep it in the first place? Christians should know what the Torah and Prophets answer and what Jews reflect upon every Tisha B’Av. Maybe the 2,000 years of exile is a reminder to everyone that religious Zionists should be more respectful to Jesus of Nazareth, son of the Ever-Virgin Mary, both or whom their Talmuds still blaspheme. In the Quran, the Muslims hold Jesus and Mary in honor and so interestingly enough providentially have kept the Land and East Jerusalem.
Even Christians lost control of Jerusalem after Saladin in the late 12th Century and then permanently with the final defeat of the crusaders a century later. That was about 1000 years ago, not 2000 years ago. It is the right of Christians to disagree with a modern colonialist sect within Judaism over their “rights” to Palestine and further expansion. In fact, from a religious and historical perspective, Christians have more right to Jerusalem than Jews because they were in possession of it more recently than Jews and are Abraham’s sons by covenant adoption, but I digress (cf. Galatians 4:21-31).
God has given earthly Jerusalem to other peoples since the Sanhedrin condemned the Messiah to death and as Jesus foretold in Matthew 21:43: “Therefore I tell you, the kingdom of God will be taken away from you and given to a nation producing the fruits of it." No Congress has the right to tell Christians what they can and cannot believe about this prophecy. Zionists should at least acknowledge that Jesus truly spoke as a Prophet since this was fulfilled 37 years after his death and Resurrection and it is still on-going. As a Christian, I prefer today’s Muslims keep control of East Jerusalem and the Temple Mount until the Zionist Jews stop blaspheming Jesus and Mary in their Talmuds. Does Congress know what the Talmuds teach about where Jesus is? What they say about the Virgin Mary?
Anti-Zionism of the 21st Century is Pro-International Law
Dear Mike Johnson, Zionism does not speak for Judaism any more than Southern Baptists from Louisiana speak for the Pope. Today, and since British Mandated Palestine ended in 1948, a Christian position against expansionist Zionism (whether in secular or religious form) is in no way antisemitic. Rather, it is pro-international law and pro-human rights. It is also pro-Oslo Accords and the Two State solution. Today’s Catholic Christian positions clarify that a colonial power has no right, especially since WWII and the Geneva Conventions, to be involved in ethnic cleansing or genocide based on religious or State propaganda.
Neither White Supremacy is to be tolerated, nor Jewish Supremacy is to be tolerated in a post-WWII order. Contrary to White Anglo-Saxon Protestant supremacist views of 1917 through WWII, and espoused in Winston Churchill’s 1920 essay “Zionism Vs Bolshevism” which encouraged European Jewish migration to British Mandated Palestine, the olive-skinned Palestinians and Arabs have as much right to religious freedom, life, liberty, and property as do European Jews.
An affinity for Judaism or an affinity for larping as Israelites under Joshua in 1400 B.C. does not give anyone in the 21st Century the right to seize Palestinian homes or property. Get some common sense and realize that what was acceptable 3,500 years ago is no longer acceptable and cultures have developed since the Canaanites. Palestinian Muslims and Christians are actual descendants of Abraham and just as truly Semites as European Jews who are following false prophecies and false messiahs.
Palestinian Christians and Muslims keep the ancient law of that physical Land (as expressed in Leviticus and Deuteronomy) better than what the Israelites were supposed to do but violated ever since Solomon and the Northern Kingdom. And, today’s LGBT+ flags hoisted prominently by Israelis are greater idols than the ancient Asherah that littered the Land in ancient times and for which God first removed Israelites from the Land per the Prophets.
Leviticus and Deuteronomy (as interpreted by Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel) were clear that God’s promises of the Land were conditional and to serve the coming of the Messiah. The physical promised land isn’t even relevant to God’s promises now that God permanently fulfilled his promises to David in Jesus the Messiah [cf. “Against Christian Zionism”]. Regardless of resolutions by the religious fanatic and Christian Zionist Mike Johnson, and his modern Zionist council in the U.S. Congress, Americans are protected by the First Amendment. Johnson had no right to force the conversion of Christians, Jews, Muslims or other Americans to Zionism. He had no right to force his Southern Baptist Christian Zionist heresies upon Catholics through Congressional Resolutions of political correctness.
Congress violated the establishment clause and perpetuates fraud against the ICC
Congress’s resolution of December 5, 2023 violated the spirit of the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution in the Bill of Rights: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press…” Obviously, since it was non-binding, we can only say it “practically” violated the law or spirit of the law. Nevertheless, it illegally called on all the powers of the world to persecute anyone who disagrees with sects within the religion of Judaism; sects that believe they have a right to violently seize land to which they have no legal claim in natural law or even in international law since WWII. Does Congress not know that Kahanists are Zionists and in Netanyahu’s cabinet?
Johnson’s resolution means that Congress, through the lobbying of unregistered foreign agents with dual-citizenship, demanded that Americans follow a faith-based religious movement called Zionism. Contrary to secular and international law, and contrary to the doctrine of Catholic, Orthodox, and mainstream non-fundamentalist Protestants, the U.S. Congress now bullies Christians into violating their firmly held religious beliefs and violates free speech just like during Covid lockdowns and vaccine mandates.
Having embraced the new and mandated religion of Zionism, now unconstitutionally imposed on America by non-binding resolutions, Senators and Congressmen continue to put to shame the founding principles of our American government. Instead of protecting the First Amendment rights of Americans, they serve the policies of the Likud Party of Israel and the religious Zionists in Netanyahu’s cabinet. A foreign government’s policies are now so intertwined with the American government, Congress is now incapable of seeing that the rest of the world sees America as a mafia State.
Senators and Congressman threaten the International Criminal Court’s members with sanctions and abusive measures due to Congress’s religious allegiance to Zionism. They should have studied the facts and the law instead of following Netanyahu. The “crimes” of the judges of the ICC: not bowing to the new religion which was illegally established by America’s Congressional Resolutions and thus being labeled “antisemites” by corrupt American and Israeli leaders. It demonstrates that even non-binding resolutions have real consequences in the ethos of a country.
America’s new religious fanatics, America’s leading Senators and Congressmen, actually believe Netanyahu’s claims that the ICC is motivated by “antisemitism” for issuing an arrest warrant for Benjamin Netanyahu. It’s almost laughable if it weren’t so tragic and abusive. They just ignore the illegal starvation of women and children and allow Israel to treat all Palestinians like enemy combatants in mass slaughter. No one doubts the evil of Hamas’ terror attacks, but allowing war crimes just creates more terrorists and turns the world against Israel. Not all Palestinians are Hamas and many Palestinians are Christians.
In one of the greatest acts of political con artistry ever, the U.S. Congress actually believes Netanyahu’s claim that a survivor of the Nazi holocaust, a Jewish youth once held in a Nazi concentration camp for being Jewish, is actually now an antisemite judge on the ICC! Not only was Judge Theodor Meron of the ICC a Jewish survivor of Nazi concentration camps, but in 1967 he was an Israeli government advisor on the Zionist settlements and later the Israeli ambassador to Canada. We should add slander, calumny, and false incitement of the U.S. Congress to Netanyahu’s arrest warrant. Here is the truth about one of the Jewish (non-Zionist) advisors of the ICC involved in issuing an arrest warrant for Netanyahu:
Big Tech Is Using Johnson’s Resolutions to Control Free Speech
Worse, while the non-binding resolution of Congress isn’t officially a “law,” it gives legal cover to Big Tech to set policies which discriminate against legitimate free speech. It’s like how NIH guidelines caused policies during Covid. Congressional resolutions make it easy for Americans (many dual-citizens) with a history of suppressing anti-Zionism to enter Big Tech and monitor Americans and collect information for purposes contrary to First Amendment rights. Afterall, the resolution of Congress “…calls on elected officials and world leaders to condemn and fight all forms of domestic and global antisemitism [including ‘anti-Zionism’].” Recent history proves the deep state has always worked to persuade Big Tech to cooperate with such resolutions.
Two years ago, and before Congress’s recent illegal resolution, Patrick Delaney already warned about the situation of hundreds of former Israeli intelligent agents now working in American Big Tech firms; agents with a history of spying for Israeli Zionist interests: “hundreds of former military intelligence agents from…Unit 8200 have acquired positions of influence in several big tech corporations, including Google, Facebook, Microsoft and Amazon.”
Imagine what is happening now two years later when even the Israeli government Minister of Diaspora Affairs, Amichai Chikli brags about using AI to monitor people worldwide and coordinate their suppression, including Americans. The Jerusalem Post records him saying: “Diaspora Ministry has also maintained constant correspondence with the leadership of social networks.” The Jerusalem Post then summarizes under the guise of “right-wing, Jew-hatred,” that “the ministry does a lot of work monitoring anti-Israel influencers, such as Candace Owens and Tucker Carlson, who are both right-wing commentators.” Do you now see what the Congressional resolution is facilitating? It is a new day of infamy violating the First Amendment rights of all Americans who might be “anti-Zionists” but surely are not antisemites.
So, do you think that Netanyahu’s guest at his July 2024 address to the U.S. Congress, Elon Musk, is not cooperating to “fight…anti-Zionism” on his X social media platform per the 2023 Congressional resolution which tried pressuring everyone to do so? The resolution demanded that “anti-Zionism” should be forbidden hate speech and considered antisemitism. Lawyers and press investigating crimes against Palestinians and speaking against Israeli atrocities have questioned on X if they are being shadow banned. I can verify that my posts on my timeline have since occasionally posted out of sequence on X within my @catholic460 account. It raises the questions of suppression algorithms of lawful speech. It is the stated policy of X to still practice what has been known as “shadow banning.” X clearly uses algorithms to do so even on speech that is legally protected.
Grok, the AI for X, explained to me: “Social media platforms like X use algorithms to moderate content for various reasons, including but not limited to, hate speech, misinformation, and content that might violate their community guidelines. These algorithms are not perfect and can sometimes suppress content inadvertently due to broad-brush approaches to moderation or misinterpretations of content.” [bold mine]
Further, how can we not have doubts about Trump’s ability to hold the deep state accountable when the “Israel First” lobbies are capable of suppressing the free speech and religious liberties of Americans through resolutions of Congress? Afterall, Trump’s current GOP leadership fully cooperated and Israel claims social media companies are cooperating. Trump’s cabinet is currently filling with Christian Zionists. Wake-up Americans before you lose freedom of religion.