This opinion piece is a brief theological advisory, discernment, and wake-up call to pastors concerning Chris Bledsoe’s Amazon best-selling book “UFO of God” (2023). Allegedly, the events of Bledsoe’s life and the content of his book are developing into a major motion picture. Addressing just a few of the paranormal manifestations discussed in his autobiography are not about delving into the bizarre and mostly paranormal topic of UFOs (now called UAPs). It is an attempt to alert Catholic pastors that orthodox Christianity is being hi-jacked rapidly in the new and powerful alternative and social media. Rosicrucian (Masonic) principles are being absorbed and accepted unconsciously in the current propaganda environment.
Since the Congressional hearings of July 2023 on UAPs, Chris Bledsoe has appeared on Fox News, been featured on the History Channel, and made countless other podcast interviews of significance. Large audiences of Joe Rogan and Tucker Carlson are encouraged to believe our government is hiding an extraterrestrial presence. To his vast audience, Joe Rogan repeatedly encourages psychedelic drug usage to excite the pineal gland, enter altered states to commune with interdimensional beings, and to gain enlightenment [like the ancient cults of Egypt and Greece did]. It is the very sorcery (φαρμακείᾳ/pharmakeia) mentioned in Revelation 18:23. The Greek word pharmakeia is how we derive the English word pharmacy, but in this context, it is likely about potions to experience the afterlife and so we translate it “sorcery” for its ritual purposes.
Without the use of psychedelics, and whether or not Chris Bledsoe is aware of it, he is being used to usher in tremendous challenges to the divine commission given by Jesus Christ to his Apostles and their lawful and orthodox successors. I am justified in this opinion since Bledsoe’s non-fiction and bestselling book opens in Chapter One with the spirits of his UFO encounters cooperating to ultimately assist retired intelligence officers to save Pope Francis. Usually fringe ideas and events don’t have such an extensive audience or noted supporters so Bledsoe is unique. Because of this, I highly encourage the Vatican to distance itself from the apparent séance and spirits in Bledsoe’s first chapter which allegedly led to intelligence agencies changing the Pope’s parade route in Philadelphia 2015. As already discussed in the prior article “War of the ‘gods’,” publishers shouldn’t open Bledsoe’s book with forewords from former heads of the CIA’s clandestine operations, and introductions from the Army’s leader on research into applications for paranormal activity in warfare, if they don’t want informed people to speculate on the obvious:
Only through an infestation of dark and malevolent spirits would the world embrace: child sacrifice [abortion] and cloning humans for experimentation and selling body parts; child mutilation for transgenderism; protection of pedophiles; sodomy; sex trafficking of children and teens; mainstreaming psychedelics to reach spirits and the dead; etc…
I seriously doubt Chris Bledsoe personally supports any of these evils. He’s a devout husband and father. However, he is no longer an obscure figure since his experiences began 20 years earlier. His experiences are being used by many people for their own agendas and he is not getting solid spiritual advice (cf. John of the Cross, Ascent of Mount Carmel, Book II). Chris is a very likeable personality in many respects and he has a compelling story which intertwines ethos, pathos, and logos in a gripping autobiography. Not only does he have very public and dramatic support from noted former military and CIA officers, he has very clear support from NASA officials inside his book. Nevertheless, several months ago, a comment on X – which supportively bragged about Chris sounding like a modern Gilgamesh – spurred additional concerns for me which caused me to look a little deeper at Chris’s experiences in relation to ancient myths and gods.
My considerations have led me to the opinion that Chris is finding traction in today’s culture through philosophical foundations already laid by the Rosicrucians and Masonry over the centuries. Just as concerning, many people do not even know that evil spirits haunt their families because of the awful oaths their ancestors made during Masonic initiations. I am well-aware of the deliverance ministries assisting such families and the afflictions their families suffer, but to which Jesus gives deliverance. There is always much hope and Jesus is Lord of all.
Having been appointed in the past by Catholic bishops to either oversee or assist in deliverance ministries (and coordinate with exorcists), I have increasing concerns that the well-documented orbs appearing to Chris, and sometimes described as spheres covered in flame by Chris and many eyewitnesses, are mostly related to ancient demons as my last essay “War of the ‘gods’” suggested. Clearly, Chris and his supporters do not grasp that they need deliverance from these apparitions and interdimensional beings. The relativism of Masonic philosophy has so influenced our society for 400 years, it is normal to simply ignore and belittle authentic Christian concerns as bigoted or small-minded in American post-Enlightenment culture. It is not even surprising that retired leaders of CIA clandestine operations are the first to defend Chris from rightful Christian criticisms. However, calling down giant orbs of fire from heaven are not always a good sign since the false prophet of Revelation “calls down fire from heaven to earth in the sight of men” (Rev 13:13).
The most troubling point in Bledsoe’s book concerns a ‘divine’ feminine goddess figure [in charge of all the orb and ‘alien’ phenomena p.166]. She appears like an apparition and sends a black bull to frighten and knock him over during a wide-awake vision. This happened when Chris wanted to break away from having anything more to do with the orbs and strange visitations/hauntings [Ch. 14, pp.164-165, Kindle Edition]. This and similar events are timed with Easter [p.159]. Bledsoe’s initial decision to break with the goddess figure was the right one.
The divine feminine figure clearly puts Chris in charge of promoting that: “A new knowledge must arrive. Mankind must awaken to it” [p. 168]. Every Easter, new revelations and appearances of the goddess figure occur in Bledsoe’s book and none of it is leading people to Jesus as the answer for salvation. Nevertheless, Bible quotes are used to open many chapters of Bledsoe’s book and the Easter timing of an apparition of a woman who is not the Blessed Virgin Mary goes unexplained. In my opinion and observations, Bledsoe’s visitors want to redefine Christianity without Jesus as the only-savior and true head of humanity. We are most likely dealing with ancient demons in Bledsoe’s visitors. Vain demons just want to be worshipped and lead humans into idolatry to get their kicks. It’s not personal, just business. Their promises are empty.
An “awakening” without Jesus Christ is being promoted by the goddess figure who also warns of coming disaster. Perhaps the demon knows what God has in store for it and to heal idolatrous humanity? Chris is convinced he is chosen “to tell humanity of the phenomena’s benevolence” [p.168]. I’m writing this note as a theologian to advise you that it is definitely not the Blessed Virgin Mary appearing to him and we should seriously doubt this telepathic apparition’s benevolence and be wary of its psychic abilities. It threatened Chris when he tried to break free of the haunting of his house and the UAP phenomena. It is reminiscent of how Ishtar threatened Gilgamesh with a black bull in ancient legends.
Discernment: In the ancient world of Mesopotamia, the goddess Ishtar, who is later the consort of Baal in Canaan (as Asherah/Astarte), sent a black bull to punish the epic hero Gilgamesh and the earth for Gilgamesh’s rejection of Ishtar. Ancient legends usually have some kind of basis in history. What did ancient Mesopotamia know of UAPs? The fact that Chris Bledsoe had a vision/experience of punishment and threat from a black bull when he tried to end the orb phenomena and then Chris recommitted to the goddess-figure gives me concern over the identity of the goddess-figure. The patterns point to the personality of the goddess figure Ishtar-- but there is more to consider about her manifestations in ancient Canaanite and Egyptian cultures.
BIG RED FLAGS: Asherah/Astarte/Ishtar was the main ‘deity’ that always led Israel into apostasy throughout all of Israel’s history. She was the fertility goddess behind all the ritual prostitution on the heights which all the prophets of God said brought God’s punishment. Recall in the “War of the ‘gods’” essay I tried explaining how sexual immorality is embraced as people turn away from authentic Christianity and covenant with the one true God [cf. Acts 15:20 and the recent article “Wrath of God…”].
Why does the goddess-figure tell Chris, “You cannot quit now. You made an agreement that must be kept” [p.166]? Again, why does she keep associating herself with the Easter holiday by the timing of her appearances? It is likely for the purposes of deception to pretend she is associated with Jesus Christ or Resurrection as a form of syncretism [absorbing other religions]. It is a great deception. Nothing about this feminine figure is in accord with Catholic doctrine of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Mary had no divine pre-existence and only and always points to Jesus. She only brings us to Jesus, not UFOs.
Another BIG RED FLAG: Ishtar’s/Asherah’s celebrations of fertility were associated with Spring Equinox. Interestingly, Easter occurs in association with Spring Equinox: the first Sunday, after the first full moon, after the Spring Equinox. This feminine personality is not coming based on Easter but most likely the Spring Equinox. We are likely dealing with ancient demons trying to overthrow the truth of Jesus Christ. “Satan disguises himself as an angel of light” (2 Cor 11:14). The next point seals the argument…
THE BIGGEST RED FLAG: The divine feminine figure was “seated on a massive stone-carved throne in a recess in the canyon wall” [Ch. 16, p. 197]. She explained to Chris: “When the red star of Regulus aligns just before dawn in the gaze of the Sphinx, a new knowledge shall come into the world.” Yikes! She just put on her full-blown “Rosicrucian” for us. Yes, Christians, Mr. Bledsoe’s manifesting orbs – “fire from heaven” which he calls down in front of men – wish to take us right back to ancient Egyptian mystery cults of the pharaohs and the Sphinx. My educated guess is that it’s about the dawning of the Age of Aquarius which Rosicrucians hope supplants Christianity [warning: the link goes to a Rosicrucian site]. When? The “new knowledge” [new gnosticism] begins around Easter of 2026 according to Bledsoe’s book.
Bledsoe’s divine feminine apparition is probably the Egyptian goddess/demon Aset, in Greek-- the goddess Isis. She was seated on so grand a throne in a canyon wall partially because Aset’s name translates “Queen of the Throne” [warning: the link goes to a Rosicrucian site]. She’s a king-maker for the lord of this world. Just like Asherah for the Canaanites and Ishtar for the Mesopotamians, she is a “Queen of Heaven” impostor and demon of the ancient world (cf. Jeremiah 44:25). She is not the true Queen of Heaven, Mary, Queen Mother of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ. If you wish to follow apparitions, listen to the Church and Mary. Bledsoe’s demonic apparition which attempts to tie events to Easter are an attempt to supplant Christianity through a revival of Gnosticism in our new media environment. Someone who knows Bledsoe really needs to explain to him all the previous figures in Christian history who have been misled by fallen angels.
The Blessed Virgin Mary would tell us to follow Jesus Christ and only accept him as savior of the human race. On the contrary, Jesus is never mentioned and never promoted by whatever is appearing to Chris. Contrary to the feminine figure’s advice, let’s be clear: a new knowledge is not needed. Rather we need the trusted wisdom of Jesus as given in the four-fold Gospel of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. Any good angel would know and promote the same, otherwise, they are of the devil (cf. Galatians 1:8). We should be very concerned by any apparition that, instead of telling us to listen to Jesus, tells us to pay attention to the ancient Sphinx and esoteric astrology related to equinoxes, axes, and precessions.
The return to ancient “divine feminine” figures has always been carried forward by secret societies pretending to be compatible with Christianity. The UAP connection with Rosicrucianism only became more clear to me after listening to Professor Diana Pasulka on the “Joe Rogan Experience” podcast (episode #2091). At about 2 hours 10 minutes into the episode, the North Carolina professor makes very clear that her famous friend Jacque Vallee is a Rosicrucian and so was his friend, the former head of Project Blue Book, Alan Hynek. Vallee is a leader in Silicon Valley, space exploration, and a pioneer in UAP research. Pasulka is also closely tied to Chris Bledsoe inside his book and strangely her interpretations on the Joe Rogan Experience sounded pretty sympathetic to Rosicrucians. She might ask herself if she is being sucked into the cult. She went blindfolded to an alleged UFO crash site with a NASA official and didn’t question if it was official business? Did she think they would advertise: “We’re Rosicrucians” and not on official NASA business? The official’s mention of the “X Files” television series wasn’t a cultish hint about secret societies?
Intentionally or unintentionally, where is Chris Bledsoe and the whole UAP disclosure movement moving us this year and into 2026 with their coming motion picture? In my opinion, it leads to the gnostic and cult perversion of Christianity known as Rosicrucianism, a religion of syncretism [merging religions] and relativism [denying the uniqueness of Jesus Christ]. Whether fact or fiction, Rosicruciansism is portrayed widely as inspiring the population reduction cult that designed the former Georgia Guidestones and is inspiration to the Rose Cross degree intrinsic to worldwide Scottish Masonry. Rosicrucianism and Masonry were the basis from which the founding members of the Golden Dawn drew inspiration and rituals and which eventually produced figures like Aleister Crowley and the modern Wiccan movement.
From what I’ve seen on their official websites and videos by a public grandmaster, Rosicrucianism ultimately is concerned with putting us in touch with ancient spirits, particularly the “divine feminine” from ancient Egypt [particularly the goddess Isis] and those same related mystery cults. When “interdimensional beings” try leading us back to astrology and the Sphinx and are behind the manifestations of UFOs/UAPs on the History Channel, or de-classified military videos, well then Houston/NASA, we have a problem. Some kind of hidden society probably has been operating in your midst.